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Maximise working space
A budget friendly solution

A herringbone or side-by-side parlour is still the most popular parlour choice across the world. They are budget friendly, compact and can often be retrofitted into existing buildings. In our Double-up parlour cows can be milked either side-by-side or standing at an angle towards the operator and the operator moves up and down the pit during the milking process.

Our Double-up parlour gives you maximum performance in a small space. This system is suited where space is an issue and you want to use your existing barn. A shorter parlour means less walking and faster row changes. The Milk-controller units are closer to the operator making it easier to access and control. The Double-up parlour requires double the number of milking clusters and is ideal if you are milking with more than one milker. This option is ideal where a farmer wants to maximise working space.

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Maximise working space
Budget friendly

A herringbone is still by far the most popular parlour choice across the world. They are budget friendly, compact and can often be retrofitted into existing buildings. Cows can be milked either side by side or standing at an angle towards the operator and the operator moves up and down the pit during the milking process.

Our double-up parlour gives you maximum performance in a small space. This system is suited where space is an issue and you want to use your existing shed. A shorter parlour also means less walking up and down the milking pit for the operator and faster row changes. Milk controller units are closer to the operator which makes for easier access and control. A double-up parlour requires double the number of milk clusters, and is ideal if you are milking with more than one milker. The double-up parlour has one milking unit per cow. This option is ideal where a farmer wants to maximise working space and where milking groups of cows.

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Benefits of the Swiftlo Double-Up
Maximize space and performance
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