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Advanced data analysis software
Healthier cows and more control

MooMonitor+ is an advanced livestock management system that helps dairy farmers optimize the health and productivity of their herd. It monitors cows’ neck movements 24/7 and tracks migration-related activity, rumination, resting, eating, head position and restlessness. Our system improves farm profitability by reducing labor, improving reproductive performance and reducing costs due to missed heat, undiagnosed diseases and overall cow health.

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Advanced data analysis software
Healthier cows and more control

MooMonitor+ is an advanced livestock management system that helps dairy farmers optimize the health and productivity of their herd. It monitors cows’ neck movements 24/7 and tracks migration-related activity, rumination, resting, eating, head position and restlessness. Our system improves farm profitability by reducing labor, improving reproductive performance and reducing costs due to missed heat, undiagnosed diseases and overall cow health.

The most advanced data analysis software
Control of health and animal welfare. The MooMonitor+ is a cow collar that uses advanced software to quickly identify cows and possible health problems. The collar tracks the behavior of the cows down to the minute every day. Such as: the individual feeding and resting behavior, rumination activity and different activity patterns, and automatically alerts you if the animals behave differently compared to the group and herd level. This enables immediate action.
Too much or too little rest affects production levels. Rest time per day is an indicator of the general health and welfare of cows.
Daily activity levels tell us something about a cow's character. This makes it easier to recognise heat-related activity.
Directly coupled to production. Time spent feeding per day is an indicator of daily dry matter intake.
Shows us how the cow is feeling. The rumination time per day is an indicator of the cow's health and well-being.
Your herd management in your own hands
User-friendly installation

The MooMonitor+ is a user-friendly installation. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, the system is a powerful tool for optimizing herd performance and improving overall farm performance. MooMonitor+ integrates with most animal management programs, eliminating double data entry. This means it can also be used on farms where there is no Dairymaster milking parlor in operation. By linking to the management program, the data is automatically synchronized. The MooMonitor+ offers the largest range on the market. The extra-long antenna range of up to 1,000 meters enables data to be recorded outside of operation, for example in pastures around the farm. This is ideal for grazing and this concept offers even more flexibility for many dairy farms. Experience the difference where innovation meets tradition.

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